Dynamic Form and Culture

The goal during this assignments was to design a lamp that can evoke particular value-related behaviour in humans. To design this lamp I went trough a specific design process, which I describe below. In this process value research was an important activity, since the behaviours and interaction of the lamp should reflect the chosen value. The video at the end of the post shows how a lamp can reflect a specific value.

The value I chose to work with is “self-direction“. Within this value, multiple sub-values have been defined.

The first step in this process is to capture the dynamics and aesthetic qualities of this value in a dynamic collage. This collage can be used to capture a particular experience or to set a ‘mood’

You can view the collage below:


Next, I translated the patterns and movements from this collage to a design. In this phase I also added “curiosity” as a sub-value to my work field, since the dynamic collage I created also strongly relates to ‘curiosity’. Finally these values come together in an explorative interaction with the lamp. The user is able to search for new opportunities (new goals in life) by scanning the area with this lamp and the abstract shapes it casts.
